Dr. Mor Presiado
Dr. Mor Presiado is a lecturer in the Department of Jewish Art at Bar-Ilan University. Her research includes the fields of women's Holocaust art and the artistic expressions of personal and collective trauma. In December 2018, she launched the massive open online course (MOOC) "Fixing the World: Feminist Art and Jewish Identity," which tells the story of Jewish feminist artists in Israel and the United States and their struggle for equality and justice in and outside of the art world. In 2020 she published the co-edited volume: "War and Art: The Portrayal of Destruction and Mass Violence" (Brill, Ferdinand Schöningh). The book aims to provide critical insight into the relationship between art and war, exploring how modern and contemporary artists from different parts of the globe have dealt with the themes of human loss, destruction, and trauma. Her book Heroine, Mother, Body: Women's Art and the Holocaust will be published by the publishing house of the Ben-Gurion Institute in the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Holocaust and Post-Holocaust Art
Gender, the Holocaust, and Art
Jewish Identity in Women's and Feminist Art in Israel and the United States
Art, Illness, War, and Trauma
Art in the Aftermath of October 7
Women’ Art in the Aftermath of October 7
- World Fixers: Feminist Art and Jewish Identity (MOOC: Open Online Course)
- The Muses Are Not Silent: War and Terrorism in the Mirror of Israeli Art
- Testimony, Spiritual Resistance, and Reconstruction in Holocaust Art
- Women, Gender, and Holocaust Art
- The Suffering Body in Modern and Contemporary Art
- Research Methods in Art History
- Introduction to the Analysis of Works
- Jewish Art in the United States
- Jewish Identity and American Abstract Expressionism
- Art in Change: Conceptual Art of the Sixties and Seventies
- Female Artists in Modern Art
- The City and Its Expression in Modern Art
- Heroine, Mother, Body: Women's Art and the Holocaust (to be published by BGI Press, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 2024).
A book of essays
- Frank Jacob and Mor Presiado (eds.). War and Art: The Portrayal of Destruction and Mass Violence. War (Hi) Stories Series, Brill: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2020. https://doi.org/10.30965/9783657702923
Journal Articles
- "The Body as Memory: Breast Cancer and the Holocaust in Women’s Art" Arts 12(2), 65 (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/arts1202006
- Rinat Podissuk Reisner and Mor Presiado. "The Search for Individual Voice: Fatma Shanan – A Groundbreaking Druze Woman Artist in Israel."
- Third Text: Critical Perspective on Contemporary Art and Culture 36, no. 4 (2022): 383-405. https://doi.org/10.1080/09528822.2022.208037
- "The Expansion and Destruction of the Symbol of the Victimized and Self-Scarfing Mother in Women's Holocaust Art," Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues 33 (Spring 2018): 177-208. https://doi.org/10.2979/nashim.33.1.09
- "Jewish Symbolism and Israeli Reality in the Work of Arieh Bermatz," Art and Research: Bulletin of the Gershon and Judith Leiber, Center for Jewish Art Exhibitions, Issue 2, (2017): 7-19. (Hebrew)
- "'Never Say You Are Not Hungry': Images of Hunger in Holocaust Art Works of Contemporary Women Artists as an Expression of Poverty, Feminist Ideology and Intergenerational Memory." Motar 22-23 (2016): 97-110. (Hebrew)
- "A New Perspective on Holocaust Art: Women’s Artistic Expression of the Female Holocaust Experience (1939-1949)," Holocaust Studies: A Journal of Culture and History, 22, 4 (2016): 417-446. https://doi.org/10.1080/17504902.2016.1201365
- "Reconstructing Life Stories of Holocaust Survivors through Art: The Case of Esther Nisenthal Krinitz and Ilana Ravek," Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 15, 2, (2016): 246-266. https://doi.org/10.1080/14725886.2015.1063235
- "These Threads Capture Shadows': Sewing and Embroidery in Holocaust Art Works of Contemporary Jewish Women Artists." Ars Judaica 8 (2012): 99-118.
Articles in Books
- “Wounded Matriarchs: Israeli Artists Hava Raucher and Sigalit Landau Confront the Sexual Violence of October 7, 2023.” In It Hurts! Gewalt gegen Frauen in Kunst und Psychoanalyse/Violence against Women in Art and Psychoanalysis, edited by Elana Shapira and Daniela Finzi (Forthcoming De Gruyter, 2025).
- "Female Experiences of the Holocaust and Their Expression in Art." Forgotten Bauhaus Women: Fates of Lives in the 1930s and 1940s, Exhibition Catalogue, edited
- by Anke Blümm and Patrick Rössler, 93-100. Weimar: Klassik Stiftung Weimar, 2021. (German)
- Mor Presiado and Frank Jacob. "Introduction: War and Creativity." In War and Art: The Portrayal of Destruction and Mass Violence, edited by Frank Jacob and Mor Presiado, 1-25. Brill: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2020. https://doi.org/10.30965/9783657702923_002
- "Multi-generational Memory of Sexual Violence during the Holocaust in Women's Art." War and Sexual Violence: New Perspectives in a New Era, edited by Sarah K., Danielsson, 147-182. Brill: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2019. https://doi.org/10.30965/9783657702664_009
MOOC- Masive Open Online Course
Fixing the World: Feminist Art and Jewish Identity", 2019.
YouTube Channel:
Presiado, Mor. Textile and More: Rachel Tauber. Exhibition Catalogue. Ramat Gan: The Lieber Center for Exhibitions, Bar-Ilan University, 2016. (Hebrew)
Presiado, Mor Motherhood in the Shadow of the Holocaust. Exhibition Catalogue (curators: Presiado, Mor and Leah Fish). Ramat Gan: The Lieber Center for Exhibitions, Bar-Ilan University, 2014. (Hebrew)
Last Updated Date : 11/12/2024