Dr. Zvi Orgad
2018: Post Doctorate, Hochschule für Jüdische Studien, Heidelberg. Supervisor: Prof. Annette Weber. Title: “Illustrated Text or Annotated Image: Relations between Hebrew Manuscript Illuminators and Synagogue Painters.”
2013–2017: PhD, Faculty of Jewish Studies, Department of Jewish Art, Bar-Ilan University. Supervisors: Prof. Ilia Rodov and Prof. David Cassuto. Dissertation Title: “Eliezer-Zusman: An Eighteenth-Century Synagogue Painter at Work.”
2010–2012: MA (Magna cum Laude), Department of Israel Heritage, Ariel University. Supervisor: Prof. David Cassuto
2004–2005: B.Ed. (Cum Laude) in Graphic design and Teaching, WIZO Haifa Academy of Design and Education
Professional Experience and Appointments
Since 2018: editor, Art and Research: Bulletin of the Gershon and Judith Leiber Center for Jewish Art Exhibitions.
Since 2017: assistant lecturer, Bar-Ilan University, The Department of Jewish Art
Since 2017: lecturer, Western Galilee College
Since 2017: Israeli Executive Director and a researcher, the Israeli-German project "The Torah Ark in German Lands" (Bar-Ilan University – Technische Universität Braunschweig), supported by German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development
Academic year 2016–17: coordinator of Bar-Ilan University, Jewish Art Department seminar: "Time, Identity and Location in Visual Culture"
Membership in Professional Societies
Since 2016: ICOMOS – International Council on Monuments and Sites; since 2017: member, the Wall Paintings Committee
Since 2014: Imago, the Israeli Association for Visual Culture in the Middle Ages
Scholarships and awards
2016 Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for Russian and east European Studies, Research Grant for the academic year 2017–2018
2016 The Naomy Prawer Kadar Foundation, full scholarship for Four-weeks Yiddish language studies, The Yiddish Summer Program at Tel Aviv University, summer semester 2016
2015 Erasmus Mundus EMAIL II, Scholarship for autumn semester 2015–2016 in Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria
2015 Leonid Nevzlin Research Center for Russian and east European Studies, Research Grant for the academic year 2016–2017
2015 Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, Doctoral Scholarship for academic year 2015–2016
2015 Tübingen University, Scholarship for "Jüdisches Leben in Deutschland" program, summer 2015
2014 Bar-Ilan University, Presidential Doctoral Fellowship of Excellence for the academic years 2014–2017
2014 Polish Government, Scholarship for four-weeks of Polish language and culture studies at The Jagiellonian University Summer School, Krakow, summer semester 2014
2014 IMAGO Award – The Israeli Association for Visual Culture in the Middle Ages
2011 Ariel University, Presidential Excellence Award for the academic year 2010–2011
1998 America-Israel Cultural Foundation, Excellence Award in graphic design, illustration and animation
- Synagogue art
- Early modern illuminated manuscripts
- Ritual objects
Designing the Object: Custom and Halakha
Jewish Art as Exegesis and Interpretation: Animal Images
Materials in Plastic Arts
Materials in Plastic Arts
Materials in Plastic Arts: Paint
Materials in Plastic Arts: collage
Zvi Orgad, “The Horb Synagogue: Re-Tracing Roots," Ars Judaica 18 (2022): 157–166.
Zvi Orgad, Eliezer-Zusman of Brody: The Early Modern Synagogue Painter and his World, Boston: Brill (forthcoming, 2022).
Zvi Orgad, “The Deceptive Photographic Documentation of the ‘Polish Synagogues’ in Franconia," Jews and Slavs 27 (forthcoming, 2022): 419–435
Zvi Orgad and Efrat Fridenzon-Harison, “Photo/Book/Exhibition: Reflection on the Curatorial Process,” in Catalina Fara (ed.), ISRAELS: Portraits of Israel in Tourist Guidebooks and Photo Albums of Israel, a Peer Reviewed Catalog (Leuven: Catholic University of Leuven, Unité de recherche littérature & culture - Groupe MDRN, 2021), 55–70
Zvi Orgad, “Prey of Pray: Allegorizing the Liturgical Practice," Arts 9(1), no. 3 (2020), 2–17. https://doi.org/10.3390/arts9010003
Zvi Orgad, “Synagogue Paintings as Indicating a Developing Conception of National Redemption," Images: The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication 25 No. 34 (2019): 15–27. http://DOI 10.14746/i.2019.34.01
Zvi Orgad, “Transferring Visual Culture: The Case of Eliezer-Zusman," in Nitza Davidovitch and Eyal Lewin (eds.), Warsaw and Jerusalem: Polish-Jewish History, Culture, Values, and Education between Paradise and Inferno (Irvine: Brown Walker Press, 2019), 47–58
Zvi Orgad, "The Status of a Wife’s Name in a Painter’s Synagogue Signature," Judaica Ukrainica: peer-reviewed annual journal on Jewish studies 5 (forthcoming)
Zvi Orgad, “Synagogue on Display: The Unterlimpurg Prayer Room,” in Katrin Keßler, Ulrich Knufinke, Alexander von Kienlin, and Annette Weber (eds.), Synagogue and Museum 10 (Petersberg: Bet Tfila – Research Unit for Jewish Architecture in Europe, 2018), 109–112
Zvi Orgad and David Cassuto, "The Unterlimpurg Synagogue: Issues Involved in Restoring a Demolished Synagogue," in Nitza Davidovitch and Dan Soen (eds.), Shoa and Experience: A Journey in Time (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2015) 136–167
Zvi Orgad and David Kasuto, "The Synagogue of Unterlimfurg: Issues in the Reconstruction of the Sheharev Synagogue", in Nitsa Davidovitz and Dan Soan (eds.), El Gai Zalmov: The Holocaust Experience in a Multidisciplinary View (Tel Aviv: Resling, (2015, 294-265). Translation of the article "The Unterlimpurg Synagogue: Issues Involved in Restoring a Demolished Synagogue"
2024 International Conference: Jews in Krakow: History and Culture, Krakow, “The Deluge Paintings in Synagogues of Krakow “ (24.9.2024)
2024 International Conference: Closure: Expanding Boundaries: Jewish Artistic Heritage of Ukraine, Chernivtsi, “The Painted Torah Arks of Bavaria: The Gate of Heaven or the Gateway to Ruthenia?” (Zoom, 3.7.2024)
2024 Invited Erasmus+ Lecture: “Closure: Eastern European Paintings in Israeli Synagogues,” Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland (17.4.2024)
2024 Art following the 7th of October: A joint seminar for the Department of Jewish Art and Art Therapy Program, and the Department of Literature of the Jewish People, Bar-Ilan University. Session Chair (6.3.2024)
2023 International Conference: Cultural Contexts of War, Visions of Destructions and Redemption: References to War in Synagogue Art, Institute of European Culture
of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Gniezno (19-20.10. 2023 – canceled due to the 2023 October war)
2023 12th EAJS congress Branching out: Diversity of Jewish Studies, Frankfurt Main, "Lead to Gold, Sorrow to Hope: Alchemy in Synagogue Paintings" (19.7.2023)
2023 Seventh Junior Scholars Conference in Jewish History at the GHI Washington Diaspora and Debris: Material Culture in German-Jewish History, Washington DC, "Concise Shrines: Torah Arks of Franconia" (26.4.2023)
2023 Invited Lectures on Synagogue Art from the Middle Ages to the Modern Period, University of Graz (15–23.3.2023)
2023 Organizer: 16th Annual IMAGO International Conference Encounters: Christians, Muslims, and Jews in Medieval and Early Modern Art, Bar-Ilan University; Speaker: "Domestic Sanctity: The Torah Arks of Rural Franconia" (2.3.2023)
2022 Imago graduate student workshop, The Open University of Israel: Session Chair (8.11.2022)
2022 International Conference: The Holocaust and Genocide in the 21st Century, a Grievous Yet Never Ending Story, Ariel University: "The Last Spark: Abraham Hitman’s Synagogue Paintings" (November 16th)
2022 The Eighteenth World Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: session organizer: Medieval Jewish Art: Survivals and Revivals; session organizer: "Colors of Decline: The effect of Technology on the Status of Illuminated Manuscripts" (forthcoming, August 8th-12th, submitted for review)
2022 The International Medieval Congress 2022, University of Leeds: session organizer: A Matter of Life and Death: Medieval Jewish Material Culture and Drawing the Borderline; Speaker: " Don't Mind the Gap: Text, Art, and Borders in Jewish Funerary Art" (forthcoming, July 7th)
2021 organizer: Inter-university conference Amanut veḥinuch: toldot vetoladot [Art and Education: History and Consequences], Jerusalem; Speaker: "Aleph-beth shel ḥinuch: ẓiyurim beluḥot limud kria meosef William Gross [Alphabet of Education: Paintings in Plates used for reading instruction from William Gross’s Collection]" (July 7th)
2021 BAJS Annual Conference: World in Crisis: Reflections and Responses from Antiquity to the Present, South Hampton, "The Artistic Jew in the Display of the Unterlimpurg Prayer Room,” (July 7th)
2021 International conference Disciplining Emotions: Texts and Images in Medieval and Early Modern Times, Bar-Ilan University: "Angry Birds / Apologetic Owls: Emotional Expression of Zoomorphic Motifs in Jewish Art" (July 5st)
2021 56th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo: "German Beast in an Italian Feast: Image transference in Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts" (May 11th)
2020 Tov Mar’e Einayim: Te’ud Hazuti veHeker Yahadut Gerania [better is the sight of the eyes: Visual Documentation and Research of German Jewry], Bar-Ilan University: "Ha’arye Shaag Paamaim: Tehiyat haẒityur Hafigurativi beVatei Kneset beGermania [The Lion Roared Twice: The Revival of Figurative Painting in German Synagogues]" (December 2nd)
2020 organizer: Inter-university conference Haisha Ba’amanut Hayehudit Ha’amamit: Yoẓeret Umusa Yeẓira [Women in Jewish Folk Art: Creators and Object of Creation], Jerusalem; Speaker: "Ḥatima Be’alma: Ẓayar Beit Haknesset Veishto [Signature/Signorina: The Synagogue Painter and His Wife]" (July 14th)
2019 Organizer: International Erasmus+ Workshop: Jewish Life and Art in Franconia, In cooperation with Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Jüdisches Museum Franken, Fürth. Location: Jüdisches Museum Franken, Fürth, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg (July 21st–29th)
2019 The International Medieval Congress 2019, University of Leeds: session chairperson: Jewish Craftspeople and Their Material Evidence, II: Writing, Illuminating, and Binding Books; Speaker: "From Material to Sound: The Craft of Story Telling in the Medieval Haggadah" (July 3rd)
2019 organizer: Erasmus+ Colloquium on: Mass Culture and Folk Rationality, Prof. Marek Kaźmierczak, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (June 13th)
2019 organizer: Inter-university conference Keiẓad Kotvin? Haot Haivrit Ba'amanut [How to Write? The Hebrew Letter in Art], Bar-Ilan University; Speaker: "Kach Velo Kach: Haot Haivrit Bevatey Knesset Bereshit Haet Hahadasha [This Way and not That way: The Hebrew Letter in Synagogues in the Early Modern Period]" (May 15th)
2019 IMAGO conference Body and Matter in Medieval and Early Modern Arts, The Open University of Israel: "The Twinkling Twins: Urinating Gemini in a Hebrew Illuminated Manuscript" (April 10th)
2018 XIth Congress of European Association for Jewish Studies, Cracow: session organizer: From Micro to Macro in synagogue architecture; "From Symmetry to Equilibrium: Effects of Synagogue Interior Architecture on Mural Paintings" (July 18th)
2018 organizer: Inter-university conference Besod Hayetzira: Torat Rabbi Nahman Mibreslav Veamanut Yehudit [In the Secret of Creation: Rabbi Nahman of Breslau's Law and Jewish Art], Jerusalem (April 24th)
2018 25th Annual International Conference on Jewish Studies, Moscow: "Messiah's Elephant: Sacred Buildings Returning to Jerusalem in Synagogue Paintings" (May 2nd)
2018 international conference Israel - From a Dream to a Dream Come True, Gniezno: "Heaven to Earth: Replacement of the Zodiac by the Twelve Tribes in Synagogue Decorations as a Sign of National Redemption" (January 23rd)
2017 Lecture in the Hällisch-Fränkisches Museum, Schwäbisch Hall: "Eliezer-Zusman’s Workshop" (October 16th)
2017 17th World Congress of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "Eliezer-Zusman’s Synagogue Paintings: Lost Sources Rediscovered" (August 9th)
2017 organizer: Inter-university conference Omanut Yehudit Kemismach History [Jewish Art as a Historical Document], Jerusalem (April 19th)
2017 IMAGO conference The Art of Ritual and Ritual of Art, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "Call and Response: Inscription Designs Indicating Liturgical Song in Eighteenth Century Synagogue Paintings and Rites" (March 3rd, Hebrew)
2016 international conference Modern Jewish existence in a world of threats and hostility, Ariel University: "Subjective Memory: On the Display of the Unterlimpurg Synagogue in the Hälisch Fränkischen Museum in Schwäbisch Hall" (November 29th)
2016 Synagogue and Museum: 3rd International Congress on Jewish Architecture at Technische Universität Braunschweig: "Religious vs. Artistic in Musealized Synagogues: The Case of the Unterlimpurg Prayer Room" (November 23rd)
2016 International Workshop Synagogue Wall Paintings: Research, Preservation, Presentation, The Center for Jewish Art, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem: "Seeing the Elephant: Repetition and Invention in Eighteenth-century synagogue painting" (September 14th)
2016 Young Researchrs Conference at Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Jewish Studies: "'Ezer-Kenegdo [His Helpmate]': On the Marital Status of Synagogue Painters in the 18th Century" (May 30th, Hebrew)
2015 Coordinator and lecturer: International Workshop Constructing and Deconstructing Jewish Art, Bar-Ilan University; "Judge a Bird by its Feathers: Did Eliezer-Zusman Paint the Unterlimpurg Synagogue?" (September 8th)
2015 Inter-university colloquium for young researchers, Bar-Ilan University: "The Mystery of the Wild Cock in Eliezer-Zusman's Paintings" (May 26th,Hebrew)
2015 Lecture in a Mini Course: Gate to the Lord: Symbolic Language of East-European Synagogue Art, National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, Kiev:
"Eliezer-Zusman: a synagogue painter in the Eighteenth century" (May 21st)
Last Updated Date : 15/01/2025