Dr. Orit Dudai
Dr. Orit Dodai teaches in the master's degree program in therapy through visual art at Bar-Ilan University. Her doctorate, which she did as part of the Interpretive and Cultural Studies program, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, Bar-Ilan University, dealt with the interface of psychoanalysis and cinema. Her interdisciplinary research focuses on primary and pre-verbal mental states, trauma and repair processes and how they are represented and processe cinema and television series. She has published articles in leading journals in the field of psychoanalysis, film and digital media on the topics of revenge and repair, mental and social blindness, and the search for
Dr. Dudai is also an art therapist and a guide to art therapists. In the clinical aspect, Dr. Duday's therapeutic orientation is developmental and psychodynamic. She specialized at the Anna Freud Center for Children and Families in London and worked for many years in Israel in the framework of mental health with preschool children on the autistic continuum within the "Association for Children at Risk" . Today she takes care of teenagers, adults and guides parents. In these areas, she published articles on therapy using primary art materials in groups with children on the autistic continuum, the digital space as a means of processing mental experiences and aspects of geographic mental space in art therapy.
Introduction to Psychotherapy: freshmant year- Annual
Training course: freshmant year- Annual
Dudai, O & Metzl, E. (2024). I can hide if I want to: the function of the screen in zoom psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society.
Dudai, A. (2023). The Phantom of the Father: Absent Presence and Remedial Processes in the Film "The Artist's Daughter" (Margarita and Viniv Linton, 2022). Therapy in the arts: research and creation in the therapeutic act, 13 (2) pages: 1541-1552.
A chapter in a book
Dudai, A. and Angel, T. (edited). "I can't believe you watch 'Big Brother!' From "abjection" in the reality shows to thinking in the therapeutic session. In A. Vaknin and S. Bar Zaken (editors) "Through words: reading and writing as a therapeutic space. Carmel Publishing and the Kibbutzim Seminary College.
A chapter in a non-academic book
Dudai A. (2022). What is hidden from our eyes? A mental and social blind spot in "Nearim". In: T. Ricklis (editor). The boys: polemic. with a worker
Publications in leading journals
Dudai, O. (2018). Psychic Movement from Revenge to Redemption in Götz Spielmann’s Revanche (2008). International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 99:2, 510-524.
Dudai, O. (2019). The Impossible Possible Narrative: The Quest for Truth in Bir Zamanlar Anadolu'da/Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (Nuri Bilge Ceylan, 2011). Studies in European Cinema, DOI: 10.1080/17411548.2019.1686894
Dudai, A. (2019). The material as a shell: art therapy groups in kindergartens for children on the autistic spectrum. Between the words: The journal for therapy through the arts, issue 16, pages: 16-42.
Dudai, A. (2019). Between psychoanalysis and cinema: the unconscious and the cinematic language. Education and its environment, volume 31, pages:. 179-189.
Dudai, O. (2020), Spacing it: Expanding perception of spatial relationships through art therapy. ATOL: Art Therapy OnLine, 11:1, http://doi.org/10.25602/GOLD.atol.v11i1.1395
Dudai, A. (2021). "I noticed that...": Using reflexive attention as a means of writing a dissertation case study for art therapists. Between the words: Journal of therapy through the arts, issue 18.
Dudai, O. (2021). Mental and Social Scotoma Represented and Worked Through in the Television Series Our Boys (Levi, Ceder and Abu Wael 2019). Continuum, 35:4, 648-660
Last Updated Date : 18/12/2024