Dr. Noam Zilbeman
Biography- Dr. Noam Zilberman-Shohat
Dr. Noam Zilberman-Shohat, an expert rehabilitation psychologist, joined the department faculty in 2020, and has been part of the Bar-Ilan Psychology faculty since 2015, first as an assistant and later as a lecturer. Dr. Zilberman did her BSc in psychology and management at Ben-Gurion University and continued to a direct MSc and PhD track in clinical-rehabilitation psychology at Bar-Ilan University. Her PhD research focused on the personality, demographic and neural differences between different types of substance and behavioral addictions. She continued her postdoctoral work in the same lab focusing on the environmental and social aspects of addictions. Additionally, she was previously the head of research in the IDF rehabilitation center in Yafo, which focuses on the rehabilitation of head-injured veterans. She also works as a clinical therapist, finished her internship in the department of neurological rehabilitation in Sheba hospital, and today works in a private clinic and teaches in different departments at the University.
Research fields- Dr. Noam Zilberman-Shohat
- Substance and behavioral addictions
- Biopsychosocial etiology in mental illnesses
- Brain research
- Social exclusion
- Head injuries
21950-01 Psychopathology
60101-40 Introduction to Psychology
603220-20 Research practicum “the phenomenon of addictions”
60522-21 Clinical fieldwork
Zilberman, N., Yadid, G., Efrati, Y., Neumark, Y., & Rassovsky, Y. (2018). Personality profiles of substance and behavioral addictions. Addictive behaviors, 82, 174-181.
Zilberman, N., Ziderman, Y. D., Zeev-Wolf, M., Goldstein, A., Yadid, G., Neumark, Y., & Rassovsky, Y. (2018). Evidence for a differential visual M300 brain response in gamblers. Clinical Neurophysiology, 129(11), 2228-2238.
Zilberman, N., Lavidor, M., Yadid, G., & Rassovsky, Y. (2019). Qualitative review and quantitative effect size meta-analyses in brain regions identified by cue-reactivity addiction studies. Neuropsychology, 33(3), 319.
Zilberman, N., Yadid, G., Efrati, Y., & Rassovsky, Y. (2019). Negative and positive life events and their relation to substance and behavioral addictions. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 204, 107562.
Zilberman, N., Yadid, G., Efrati, Y., & Rassovsky, Y. (2020). Who becomes addicted and to what? Psychosocial predictors of substance and behavioral addictive disorders. Psychiatry Research, 113221.
Last Updated Date : 04/12/2024