Dr. shir kochavi
- Bar Ilan University: Postdoctoral position, 2024 - current
- University of Leeds, UK, 2013-2017 Ph.D.: Center for Jewish Studies and the School of Fine Art History of Art and Cultural Studies. Thesis title: “Salvage to Restitution: "Heirless" Jewish cultural property in Post-World War II”
- Bar-Ilan University, Master of Legal Studies: Law studies. 2010-2012
- Institute D'Etudes Superieures Des Arts, Paris, France And London, UK, 2006-2008. Master of Arts: History And Business of Art And Collecting, Validated by the University of Warwick. Thesis title: The Implementation of Nazi Party Policy through the Confiscations of Visual Art.
- The Open University of Israel, 1999-2004. Bachelor of Arts: Social Studies, Graduated with honors
Professional experience:
- Education Department, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, February 2024- current.
- Taube Family Szyk Collection, Assistant Curator, The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, University of Berkeley, California 2017 – 2022
- Cultural Arts Director, Addison-Penzak Jewish Community Center of Silicon Valley, California 2016 - 2017
- Research Assistant, The Contemporary Jewish Museum - San Francisco, California, 2015
- Provenance Researcher, The Company for Location & Restitution of Holocaust Victims' Assets, Israel, 2010 - 2014
- Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel 2008-2010
- Christie's Auction House, Tel Aviv, Israel 2007-2008
Fellowships and Awards
- The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives Fellowship American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati, OH, 2024-25
- Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2024
- World Congress of Jewish Studies book publication award, 2022
Material culture and cultural heritage
Nazi-looted art restitution
Jewish German immigrants in the 20th century and the American art market
Historical art markets
Jewish ritual objects collecting in the 19th and 20th centuries
migration studies and the movement of objects in 19th and 20th centuries.
Isreal and cultural restitution policies
Museology and the history of museums in Israel
History of Jewish Museums in the United States
Art and culture during conflict
Reality and Beyond: Picasso and Dali
The art market then and now
Intellectual property and the art world
- June 2024, Book: Museums in Israel After the Holocaust: A Multifaceted History of Cultural Heritage (Routledge press).
- July 2023: Mapping Art Collecting in Europe, 1860-1940. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Schöningh, 17 Jul. 2023. https://doi.org/10.30965/9783657795437 Web. Inventing a Secular Jewish Identity in Late 19th Century: Collections of Jewish Ritual Objects.
- September 2022: Ars Judaica: The Bar Ilan Journal of Jewish Art, edited by the Department of Jewish Art (Ber- Ilan University) and Liverpool University Press, Jewish Museums in the United States: A Historical Review.
- 2021: De Gruyter: Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (articles: Narkiss, Bezalel and Narkiss, Mordecai).
- December 2018: ARTis ON 7(2018) “Art and Power”, University of Lisbon, pp. 67-77: The 1951 Diplomatic Gift: The Role of a German Eighteenth Century Hanukkah Lamp in Israeli American Relations.
- June 2015: The International Journal of Art and Art History 3(1), pp.83-97: The Value of Objects: A Case Study in Material Culture.
Exhibitions curated by and in collaboration with the Magnes Collection of Jewish Art, University of Berkeley, California:
- 2021: Time Capsules: 10 Years of The Magnes Collection at UC Berkeley
- 2020-2021: In Real Times, Arthur Szyk: Art & Human Rights (1926-1951)
- 2019-2020: Souvenirs from Utopia: The Bezalel School of Arts and Crafts in Jerusalem (1906-1932)
- 2019: Memory Objects: Judaica Collections and Global Migrations
- 2018-2019: Pieces de Resistance: Echoes of Judaea Capta from Ancient Coins to Modern Art
- 2018: The Karaite Canon: Manuscripts and Ritual Objects from Cairo
- 2018: High Holy Days at the Luna Park: Show-card Posters from the Firschein Press (Brooklyn, NY, 1920- 1974)
Last Updated Date : 18/12/2024