Dr. Elana Lakh
Dr. Ilana Lakh joined this year as a senior lecturer in the art therapy program, after twenty years of teaching in the veteran art therapy program at the branch of Lesley University in Israel, and continuing at the Academic College of Society and Arts. Ilana is an art therapist-senior instructor, psychotherapist and Jungian analyst, member, teacher and instructor at the Israel Institute By Erich Neumann.
Ilana specializes in transformative teaching and has developed many courses based on learning from art to theory, connecting the experiential experience of creating with the theoretical conceptualization of the art therapy profession.
Ilana serves as the chairman of YHT - the Association for Therapy through the Arts in Israel. As part of her role, she promotes the regulation of the profession in legislation, the professional development of the therapists through the arts in Israel, the public understanding of the profession and also the multicultural discourse within the association, which refers to the social reality in Israel and the role of the therapists through the arts within it. Since the events of October 7, Ilana has been a partner in Yahat's safe studio project, and in other projects.
Ilana maintains a private practice of therapy and training in art therapy and Jungian analysis in Jerusalem, after working for many years in inpatient and rehabilitation settings in the field of mental health as well as therapeutic boarding schools, and in the settings of the Ministry of Education. Ilana specializes in the treatment of survivors of childhood sexual abuse, and teaches the subject in various places around the world. She believes in the healing power of art as a central basis for therapy, and in the importance of personal experience in creative and mental processes in becoming a therapist.
Ilana's doctorate was written as part of the first cycle of the program for psychoanalysis and hermeneutics at Bar Ilan University, and was published in the book: The Sources of Evil in the Human Soul - A Jungian Reading of World Creation Myths (Carmel, 2017). The hermeneutic branch of her research deals with a Jungian understanding of social phenomena, texts and myths.
Ilana's research interests are varied, and deal with clinical issues related to the practice of art therapy, pedagogical issues related to the special type of teaching in the field, the history of art therapy in the world and the use of paintings as a hermeneutic tool to describe mental states and to study trauma. In the last year, following the events of Shiva in October, a large part of her research work is dedicated to the Safe Studio, a community model operated by Yahat for the evacuees, the survivors and the public in general. Being a clinician specializing in the treatment of survivors of sexual abuse, a branch of her research deals with the crossing of sexual boundaries by therapists in the framework of treatment, and other areas concern the secondary trauma of the therapists engaged in the treatment of survivors of sexual abuse, as well as the power of art in processing the secondary trauma.
Ilana presents her work at many conferences around the world, in the field of art therapy, and in the field of Jungian theory and analysis.
The origins of evil in the human soul - a Jungian reading of world creation myths.
Clinical issues related to the practice of art therapy
Pedagogical issues concerning the special type of teaching in the field, the history of art therapy and the use of paintings as a hermeneutic tool to describe states of mind and to study trauma.
Following the 7/10 events , a large part of my research work is devoted to the safe studio, a community model operated by Yahat for the evacuees, the survivors and the public in general.
As a clinician specializing in the treatment of survivors of sexual abuse, a branch of my research deals with the crossing of sexual boundaries by therapists in the framework of treatment, and other areas concern the secondary trauma of the therapists engaged in the treatment of survivors of sexual abuse, as well as the power of art in processing the secondary trauma.
Psychopathology (advanced)
Introduction to psychotherapy
Youth in art therapy
Ethics in art therapy
Leh, a. (2017) The Origins of Evil in the Human Psyche: A Jungian Reading of Creation Mythologies. Carmel Publishing. 197 pages.
Articles and chapters in book
Lakh, Elana. "When our shadow makes us blind and deaf to suffering:
The power of a cultural complex in Israel": JUNGIANEUM. Yearbook for Contemporary Analytical Psychology and neo-Jungian Studies. Edited by Stefano Carpani, Ashville: Chiron publications, 2023, pp. 15-24.
Lakh, Elana. & Medzini, Shevy. "Theorizing mushiness from therapeutic practice to teaching: Two perspectives on using liquid and slimy materials in art therapy", edited by Tami Yaguri and Dalia Merari, Art in action: Teaching, training, and research in art therapy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021, pp. 263-276.
Shapiro Janice. & Lakh, Elana. "The imagery of theory :A visually centered method of teaching art therapy theory", edited by Tami Yaguri and Dalia Merari, Art in action: Teaching, training, and research in art therapy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021, pp. 51-66.
Maayan, Efrat & Lakh, Elana. "The relationship between the animalistic and the artistic: A therapeutic model integrating animal assisted psychotherapy with art therapy", edited by Nancy Parish-Plass, Animal assisted psychotherapy: Theory, issues and practice. West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press. 2013, pp.349-384.
journal articles
Lakh Elana, Gavron, Tami, and Bat-Or, Michal. "The safe studio: a community creative space as an emergency response following the events of October 2023
volume 13, sheet 2, 2023, עמ' 1601-1610. https://www.calameo.com/read/005201130b8751078d481
Lakh, Elana. "Rules of the game: Board game design as a directive therapeutic intervention". Psychodynamic Practice, Vol. 30, no. 2, 2023, pp. 130-142.
DOI: 10.1080/14753634.2023.2298671
Lakh, Elana. "The spirit of time and the spirit of depth". International Journal of applied psychoanalytic studies, Vol. 20, no. 2, 2023, pp. 272-284. https://doi.org/10.1002/aps.1813
Lakh Elana and Yvetvat Rudnik, Moran. "From the classroom to Zoom and back: what did we learn about Sting? Teaching and distance learning of art therapy in times of Corona". between the words Volume 21, Winter Issue 2023, pages: 35-54
. https://www.smkb.ac.il/media/0b3gi4bq/gilyon-21-ilana-moran.pdf
Lakh Elana. "The face of evil: a discussion of the appearances of the archetypal shadow in mythology and the human soul". Marg, volume 10, 2023, pages:73-91
Lakh, Elana, Shamri-Zeevi, Liat, & Kalmanowitz, Debra. "Art in the time of corona: A thematic analysis". The Arts in Psychotherapy. Vol 75, no. 3, September 2021. Pp. 1-9. DOI:10.1016/j.aip.2021.101824
Lakh, Elana. "Reading the Hopi emergence myth during the Corona pandemic: An archetypal image of the destruction of humanity". Quadrant, Vol. 49, no. 2, 2020, pp. 39-58.
Schwartz, Samuel, Lieblich, Amia, Speiser- Marcow, Vivien, Lakh, Elana, Cohen, Tsiki, Dushi, Pazit., ... & Vaisvaser, Sharon. "Life story and the arts: A didactic crossroad". Journal of Applied Arts & Health, Vol. 11, no. 3, 2020, pp. 315-328. https://doi.org/10.1386/jaah_00043_7
Lakh Elana. "Games for life - building a board game as an intentional intervention in a therapeutic group: rationale, planning and execution". Arts Therapy: Research and Creation in the Therapeutic Act, Volume 10, Issue 1, 2020, pages: 1037-1047. https://www.calameo.com/read/0052011309f9b3bc3a6e5
Lakh Elana. "The symbolic animal in the world of the animal mistress: a Jungian view of animal symbolism in the treatment of a young man in a turbulent psychotic state". between the words Issue 17, Summer 2020, pages: 64-87 https://www.smkb.ac.il/Data/Uploads/ilana-lah-17-2020.pdf
Lakh Elana and Madzini, Shevi. "Give us some of this liquid liquid": Developmental plasticity and traumatic plasticity - two perspectives on working with liquid and mucous materials in art therapy". Between the words. Issue 15, 2018, pp. 1-28. https://www.smkb.ac.il/arts-therapy-beyn-hamilim-volume15
Journal articles accepted for publication
Lakh Elana (accepted for publication). "To remove or not to remove? That is not the question. Therapeutic considerations in the issue of removing works from the treatment room." Therapy in the arts: research and creation in the therapeutic act.
Reviewing books in journals
Lakh Elana. "Review of Ruth Netzer's book: Jung's Red Book: the mythical, religious, artistic and literary space". Conversations, Volume 68, Issue 2, 2024, pages: 183-187.
Lach Elana. "Book review: The use of creative therapies with survivors of domestic violence - edited by Stephanie L. Brook". Society and Welfare, Volume 29, Issue 4, 2009, pages: 533-537.
Lakh Elana. Creation with art materials as a processing tool for caregivers of survivors of sexual abuse - an instructional model". Basic conference of the Israeli Society for the Promotion of Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Harm. Tel Aviv University December 2019.
Non-judicial publications
Lakh Elana. "Sexual abuse in therapy: a literature review". Hebrew Psychology, September 4, 2022. https://www.hebpsy.net/articles.asp?id=4470
Lakh Elana. "Review of Guy Pearl's book, "The bees of the invisible": To the language of poetry following Jung and Neumann". Hebrew psychology. March 23, 2022. https://www.hebpsy.net/articles.asp?id=4365
Lakh Elana. (2020). "The Corona epidemic - a contemporary expression of the archetype of the destruction of humanity: what can we learn from mythology?" Hebrew Psychology, April 5, 2020.
Lakh Elana." 'A new morality' according to Erich Neumann in Israel" 2017. Hebrew Psychology, November 14, 2017. https://www.hebpsy.net/articles.asp?id=3616
Last Updated Date : 09/12/2024