Ms. Rinat Reisner Podissuk
Rinat Podisuk Reisner, art therapist, faculty member in the therapy through arts-visual arts program at Bar Ilan University, painter, and doctoral student in the Department of Jewish Art History at Bar Ilan.
Reisner studied art at the seminary for art teachers in Ramsh and presented her works in many exhibitions. The recognition of the power of art to touch the sou and alleviate personal and social suffering, led her to study art therapy at the University of Haifa, in the phenomenological approach under the guidance of Peretz Hesse. Her experience as an art therapist includes work in hospitals for the mentally challenged and work in social vision. In addition, she was one of the founders of a therapy center at a school in Ramla and concentrated the art therapy in the Sheaf project (a project to rehabilitate the children of the Ministry of Defense's helpers) in the society for community centers.
Her research deals with aspects of connection, identity, social identity, and the effect of how social-national connections cause individual distress.
practicum- First year
Practicum-Second year
Assessment methods in visual art therapy crisis and trauma
Introduction to art therapy
Rinat Podissuk Reisner & Mor Presiado (2022) The Search for an Individual Voice, Third Text, 36:4, 383-405, DOI: 10.1080/09528822.2022.2080374
Podisok Reisner Rinat 2021, Amira Zian: A social leader, the photographic perspective creates a new reality, (art and research), publications of the Center for Jewish Art Exhibitions named after Gershon and Yehudit Lieber. Booklet 6, 2017, Bar-Ilan University.
Podisuk Reisner, Rinat 2020, don't worry, in the end there will be peace - a therapist-patient relationship from two peoples. Between the Words, Issue 17, Kibbutz Seminar.
Pudisok Reisner, Rinat 2006. The first meeting as a critical landmark in the therapist-patient relationship, therapy through the arts: Yehat's writings, 56-60, (1),4
2024- "Draw the reality together", 17TH Eurupean Art Therapies Conference, Ghent, Belgim.
2023- "Don't Worry, In the End There Will Be Peace:" The Relations of Therapist and Patient from Two Nations.
EFAT Conference 2023"Growing*Together" in Riga/Latvia.
2023- "What are the faces of things really" - the "transcendental self" in the creation of art", Yhat conference - inner reality meets outer reality.
2016-"Don't worry there will be peace in the end", conference on art and social activism, University of Haifa.
2006- "Yurzeit", IMAGANE Leslie Boston University, Tel Aviv, international conference.
2004-"Jurzeit", lecture at a conference on second generation remembrance of the Holocaust, Cologne, Germany.
1999-"The advantages and uniqueness of establishing a therapeutic center within a school". In International Art Therapy Conference, Münster, Germany.
1997-"Winnicott's character game and its application in working with adolescents in a closed ward". A lecture before a conference of art therapists, "Yhat", Ramat-Afel.
2024- My heart is safe, the gallery at Kibbutz Gan Shmuel. Group exhibition.
2020- Amaryllis, Art Salon, Tel Aviv. Group exhibition.
2017 -The Circus Girl, Tsadik Gallery, Jaffa, solo exhibition.
2016- Barriers, Binyamin Gallery, Tel Aviv, group exhibition.
2013- Miniatures, Jaffa Museum, Jaffa. Group exhibition.
2010 Group exhibition, Hatzadik Gallery, Jaffa.
2009. Art of Emergency' - Artnueland, Berlin
2009- La-FAMILA group exhibition, Tel Aviv
2009- Epiphones group exhibition, Hatzadik Gallery, Jaffa.
2009- Together, Erlich Gallery, Tel Aviv.
2008- Layers of Memory, group exhibition, Beit HaOmen, Tel Aviv.
2007 -Exhibition as part of the Tel Aviv Discount Bank Artist Wall.
2007 -Tools experiment, group exhibition, Bichuri Haitim Tel Aviv.
2007- "Summary" solo exhibition, Goethe Institute, Jerusalem.
2006- Experimenting with tools, group exhibition, Bichuri Ha'itim Tel Aviv.
2006 -Travel diary, solo exhibition, Memorial Center in Kiryat Tivon, curator Esti Rashef.
2006 Artists, group exhibition, Gal-on Gallery, Tel Aviv. Curated by Varda Ganoser
2005 -Solo exhibition "Through the car window" Tel Aviv Art Gallery - 2004 Group exhibition Grindag Gallery - Herzliya. 2004 "Family Connection" Apple and Tree Gallery - Tel Aviv. - 2004 Solo exhibition "Yurzeit" Nega Gallery Tel Aviv
Last Updated Date : 15/12/2024