Prof. Einat Metzl
Einat Metzl, professor of art therapy, serves as the head of the program for therapy through the arts - visual art, joined the faculty of the department in 2021, upon her return to Israel after 20 years of research work in the field in the USA, Spain and Mexico
Prof. Metzel earned a double master's degree in art therapy and family and couple therapy at Loyola-Marymount University in Los Angeles, California, and a doctorate in art therapy and art education from Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA.
Einat's research focuses are diverse, but they can be concentrated in two parallel planes:
1. Research topics that strengthen the field of art therapy in terms of construction and method (such as examining the relationship between creative thinking, creative action and emotional resilience, examining accepted research methods in the field, and using art as a research tool)
2. Meeting points between art therapy and other disciplines and specific populations (such as art therapy research with toddlers and young children, work with immigrant families, multicultural issues in art therapy, meeting between art therapy and sexuality therapy and couple therapy models).
In addition to her research work over the years, Einat has developed unique courses on multicultural issues for female art therapy students in the USA, Mexico and Israel, who are taught at 4 different institutions around the world, and every year Einat teaches international summer courses.
Einat is a fellow at the Multidisciplinary Center for Brain Research. Her book "The meeting between art therapy and sexuality therapy: creative expressions of gender, sexuality and relationships" was published in the USA in 2017 in English, and she publishes articles and book chapters in her areas of expertise. At the same time she treats and guides art therapists in training and participates in conferences and exhibitions as a creative artist.
As part of her work in the community, after October 7th, Einat offered several lectures designed to support caregivers and the Bar Ilan community through the use of creative tools after disasters. She became involved in clinical work with evacuees and survivors through weekly volunteering at a studio open to evacuees in the Jezreel Valley and providing services at a dedicated clinic for victims in Tel Aviv. Holds a weekly virtual space for the entire Bar Ilan community called "Creative Space for the Soul".
- Research in art therapy
- Gender, sexuality and relationship issues in art therapy
- Loss and bereavement and art therapy
- Working with adopted children
- Multicultural issues in art therapy
A neurobiological interpersonal approach and art therapy
Dyadic therapy through art, seminar (semester 1 and 2);
Academy combines experience Youth therapy through art
Ethics in therapy through the arts
Dudai, O. & Metzl, E. S.(2024). I can hide if I want to: the function of the screen in zoom psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, 1-15. DOI: 10.1057/s41282-024-00484-y
מטצל, ע. (2024). מסה קצרה על מסע בין מרחבי יצירה בזמן טלטלה גדולה. בתוך קיכלי-בורכובסקי, אורבך, יעקובי (עורכות). סטודיו בטוח – אנתולוגיה: אוסף עדויות יצירתיות ואישיות של מטפלות ומטפלים באמצעות אמנויות על העבודה הטיפולית ב״סטודיו הבטוח״, 91-100, הוצאת יה״ת: האגודה לטיפול באמצעות אמנויות בישראל.
Serricchio-Joiner, M. & Metzl, E. S. (2024). Painting Masks, Reflecting on Gaps: Student Veterans explore internal and external realities during an art therapy group. In Ridley, S. (Ed.) Expressive Use of Masks Across Cultures and Healing Arts, ch.16, 239-242. Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003365648
Serricchio-Joiner, M. & Metzl, E. S. (2024). Learning from a Group Art Therapy Intervention for University Student Veterans, Journal of Creativity in Mental Health (WCMH), 3(1), 41-51. DOI:10.1080/15401383.2023.2249807
Chigansky, R. & Metzl, E.S. (2024). The Impact of Group Art Observation on Mentalization for Mothers of Children Diagnosed With ASD. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Assoc., DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2024.2379079
Metzl, E. S. (2024). Short Perspective: Neurobiologically Informed Art Therapy Work within the Context of Complex Socio-Political Realities (Ch. 15). In King, J. & Strang, Ch. (Eds.) Art Therapy and the Neuroscience of Trauma, 2nd edition. Routledge. ISBN 9781032380766
מטצל, ע. (2023). אבא שלי מת: ספר לילדים צעירים שחוו אבדן קרוב. הוצאת אמילי סגול, אוניברסיטת חיפה.
Markman-Zinemanas, D. & Metzl, E. (2023). Art Therapy Group for Women who had been Sexually Abused in a Gallery Space During the Covid-19 Crisis. Scholarly Journal Psychology & Behavioral Science (SJPBS), 7(1), 789-798. SJPBS MS.ID.000253. DOI: 10.32474/SJPBS.2023.07.000253.
Serricchio-Joiner, M. & Metzl, E. S. (2023). Learning from a Group Art Therapy Intervention for University Student Veterans, Journal of Creativity in Mental Health (WCMH), 3(1), 41-51. DOI:10.1080/15401383.2023.2249807
Green, J., Metzl, E. & Trevino, AL. (2023) International Online Art Therapy Education Program: Evaluating Cultural and Global Perspectives, Art Therapy, DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2023.2169564
Metzl, E. S. (2023). A Bird with No Name Was Born, Then Gone: A Child’s Processing of Early Adoption through Art Therapy. Children, 10, 751. https://doi.org/10.3390/children10040751
Metzl, E (2023). Short Perspective: Neurobiologically informed art therapy work within the context of complex socio-political realities. In King, J.L. & Strang, C.E. (Eds.) Art Therapy, Neuroscience, and Trauma: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives (2nd ed). New York, NY: Routledge
Metzl, E.S. (2022). Art Is Fun, Art Is Serious Business, and Everything in Between: Learning from Art Therapy Research and Practice with Children and Teens. Children, 9, 1320. https://doi.org/10.3390/ children9091320
בובראוגלו, ר. ומטצל, ע. (2022). מחשבות על חרדה: דו שיח של מטפלות ויוצרות באמנות וביטויי החרדה ביצירה האומנוית. בין המילים, 20, 11-25. https://www.smkb.ac.il/media/iq3jnqs0/buberoglu-metzl_gilyon20.pdf
Metzl, E. S. & Buberoglu, R. (2021). Drawing from the Impossibly Complex: Lessons from Multicultural Art Therapy Training in Israel During Sociopolitical Tensions. In Val Huet and Lynn Kapitan (Eds.), International Advances in Art Therapy Research and Practice: The Emerging Picture (pp. 233–241). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars. https://www.cambridgescholars.com/product/978-1-5275-6584-5
Metzl, E. S., & Treviño, A. L. (2021). Working around the border: Shared
experiences of art therapists working with families impacted by immigration and political realities in Mexico and the United States. Journal of Community Psychology, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22575
Metzl, E. S. & Gronner-Shamai, M. (2021). I carry your heart: A dialogue about coping, art, and therapy after a profound loss. The Arts in Psychotherapy. DOI: AIP 101801
Metzl, E. S. (2020). Couples’ Work with Creative Tools: Art Therapy and Sex Therapy informed interventions (Ch. 7). In Integrative Sex Couples Therapy (edited by Tammy Nelson). Eau Claire, WA: PESI Pub
Metzl, E. (2020) Art Therapy with Couples: integrating art therapy practices with sex therapy and emotionally focused therapy, International Journal of Art Therapy, 25:3, 143-149, DOI: 10.1080/17454832.2020.1774628
Metzl, E. S. (2017). About Not Healing. South Writ Large, Fall edition. https://southwritlarge.com/articles/about-not-healing/
Kaimal, G., Metzl, E. S., & Milrod, E. (2017). Facilitative Leadership: A Framework for the Creative Arts Therapies. Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 34(3), 146-151, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07421656.2017.1343072
Metzl, E. S. (2016). When Art Therapy Meets Sex Therapy: Creative Explorations of Sex, Gender, and Relationships. New York, NY: Routledge
Metzl, E. S, Morrell, M, & Field, A. (2016). A Pilot Outcome Study of Art Therapy and Music Therapy with Hospitalized Children (Estude pilote des resultats de l'art-therapie et de la musicotherapie aupres d'enfants hospitalis{\'e}s)}. Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal, 29(1), 3-11
Metzl, E. S. (2016). Exploring Ranges, Tensions, and Potential Integrations: Editorial Notes for JCAT’s 3rd Edition, Journal of Clinical Art Therapy, 3(1), 2-3
Linesch, D., Metzl, E. S., & Trevino, A. (2015). Various Aspects of Art Therapy in Mexico. In D. Gussak & M. Rossal (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook of Art Therapy (Ch. VIII–9). NY, NY: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-118-30659-8
Metzl, E. S. (2015). Holding and Creating: A Grounded Theory of Art Therapy with 0–5 Year Olds. International Journal of Art Therapy (Formerly Inscape), 20(3), 93–108. doi: 10.1080/17454832.2015.1076015
Bender, B., Metzl, E. S., Selman, T., Gloger D., & Moreno, N. (2013 online, 2015 in print). Creative Soups for the Soul: Stories of Community Recovery in Talca, Chile, After the 2010 Earthquake. PSYKHE, 24(1), 1–13 doi:0.7764/psykhe.23.2.641
Metzl, E. S. (2014). Editorial Poem. Journal of Clinical Art Therapy, 2(1), 2
Metzl, E. S. (2013). Artistic, Therapeutic… and Sexually Informed: A Brief Human Sexuality Course for Art Therapy Students. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 8(4), 191–212
Metzl, E. S. (2012). Exploring Biases and Perceptions Through an Art-Based Tool. Inspira: Revista de la ATE (an online Spanish and English peer-reviewed art therapy magazine based in Barcelona), 1(1), 66–87
Metzl, E. S. (2012). New Orleans Frame of Mind 2006: Initial Exploration of Experiences after Hurricane Katrina. In A. Tarasov & M. Demidov (Eds.), Eddies and Hurricanes: Formation, Triggers and Impact (Ch. 1, pp. 5–35). New York, NY: Nova Publications
Metzl, E. S. (2011). Opening Editorial Notes. Journal of Clinical Art Therapy: Special Edition 30th Anniversary of Art Therapy at LMU, 1(1), 2–3
Dere, C., Bender, B, Diaz, K., & Metzl, E. (2010). Psychotropic Medication and Art Therapy: Theoretical Considerations and Clinical Application. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 42(1), 63–70
Metzl, E. S. (2009). The role of creative thinking in models of resilience. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 3(2), 112–123
Metzl, E. (2008). Systematic Analysis of Art Therapy Research Published in Art Therapy: Journal of AATA between 1987 and 2004. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 35(1), 60–73
Metzl, E., & Morrell, M. (2013). Structured Freedom in Group Art Therapy. In J. Chang (Ed.), Creative Interventions with Children: A Trans-Theoretical Approach (pp. 267–273). Calgary, Canada: Family Psychological Press
Metzl, E., & Morrell, M. (2008). Creativity and Resiliency: Theoretical exploration. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 3(3), 303–318
Metzl, E., & Rosenmann, A. (2008). In Our Global Village: Life in a Nepalese Jungle Village Through the Eyes of the Children. San Francisco, CA: Blurb Publications
Morrell, M., & Metzl, E. (2006). Seeking Treatment in California: Motivators, Barriers, and Perceptions. The Therapist: Magazine of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, 17(4), 25–26
Wiseman, H., Metzl, E., & Barber, J. (2006). Anger, Guilt, and Intergenerational Communication of Trauma in the Interpersonal Narratives of Second Generation Holocaust Survivors. American Journal of OrthoPsychiatry, 76(2), 176–184
Last Updated Date : 15/01/2025