Dr. Noam Topelberg
Current Position/s |
Since 2022 Academic Coordinator of Teaching Clinical training, the Teacher Education school, Faculty of Education, Lecturer in the department of Jewish Art, Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University.
Scholarships, Awards and Research Grants |
2021 Mandel leadership institute Program for Academic Leadership in Education: From Theory to Practice Excellence Program
2024 BIU Learning and Teaching Division Call for Innovative Teaching: Teaching Gateway: From Theory to Practice 2024 BIU Learning and Teaching Division Call for Innovative Teaching: Digital learning and teaching 2024 BIU Rector’s Award for innovative Lecturers
Fields of specialization |
Visual Culture, Visual Codes, Visual Literacy, Philosophy of Art History of Art, Visual Culture and Education, Art and Technology. |
The visual code - art in the age of digital culture
Avant-garde - theory and practice
Art and Technology: Hate Love Story Visual
Culture in the age of artificial intelligence
Articles in Periodicals:
Topelberg, N., & Ventura, J. (2024). Decoding visual culture. Visua Studies, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1080/1472586X.2024.2354476
Topelberg, N., Ventura, J., (2024), "The visual code": pedagogy of critical thinking and essential discourse in the age of visual culture,
Halaa 5, Jerusalem: The Israel consortium of Faculty Development Center, (Hebrew) ISS 2709-7455 (print); 2709-7463 (online)
Topelberg, N. (2024). Nurturing future educators: Exploring new frontiers of collaborative teacher training model. In M. Carmo (Ed.), Education and New Developments 2024 – Volume I (pp. 21-25). InScience Press, Lisbon. ISSN (electronic version): 2184-1489, ISSN
(printed version):2184-044X, ISBN: 978-989-35106-9-8.
Topelberg, N., & Ventura, J. (2023). 'The Visual Code”: Educating in an age of visual culture". In M. Carmo (Ed.), Education and New Developments 2023, Vol 1 (pp. 115-119). InScience. Lisbon. https://end-educationconference.org/proceedings/
Topelberg, N., "Amira Ziyan, Hiding in the Light: A Synergy of Contrasts as a Visual Code of “Otherness”" Arts 11, no. 5: 102, 2022.
Topelberg, N. (2022). What Does a Bird Care?! Indifference and Yearning in the Art and Teaching of Mariana Korol. Issues in Cultural Studies, 40, 79-90.
Articles in Periodicals:
Topelberg, N., & Ventura, J. (2024). Decoding visual culture. Visual Studies, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1080/1472586X.2024.2354476
Topelberg, N., Ventura, J., (2024), "The visual code": pedagogy of critical thinking and essential discourse in the age of visual culture, Halaa 5, Jerusalem: The Israel consortium of Faculty Development Center, (Hebrew) ISSN: 2709-7455 (print); 2709-7463 (online)
Topelberg, N. (2024). Nurturing future educators: Exploring new frontiers of collaborative teacher training model. In M. Carmo (Ed.),education and New Developments 2024 – Volume I (pp. 21-25). InScience Press, Lisbon. ISSN (electronic version): 2184-1489, ISSN (printed version):2184-044X, ISBN: 978-989-35106-9-8. https://doi.org/10.36315/2024v1end005
Topelberg, N., & Ventura, J. (2023). 'The Visual Code”: Educating in an age of visual culture". In M. Carmo (Ed.), Education and New Developments 2023, Vol 1 (pp. 115-119). InScience. Lisbon https://end-educationconference.org/proceedings/
Topelberg, N., "Amira Ziyan, Hiding in the Light: A Synergy of Contrasts as a Visual Code of “Otherness”" Arts 11, no. 5: 102, 2022.
Topelberg, N. (2022). What Does a Bird Care?! Indifference and Yearning in the Art and Teaching of Mariana Korol. Issues in Cultural Studies, 40, 79-90.
Textbooks and Teaching Instructions:
Topelberg, N. (2018). High school textbooks: Part 1: Fundamentals of visual language, Part 2 – Encounters of the visual type in the technological age. ICT and Information Systems Administration, Israel Ministry of Education. (Hebrew).
Topelberg, N. (2018). High school curriculum: Part 2 – Visual close encounters in the technological age. ICT and Information Systems administration, Israel Ministry of Education. (Hebrew).
Topelberg, N. (2018). High school curriculum: Part 1 – Fundamental of visual language. ICT and Information Systems Administration, Israel Ministry of Education. (Hebrew). Topelberg, N. (2010). Art movements of the 19th century. Textbook for second study unit. ICT and Information Systems Administration, Israel Ministry of Education. (Hebrew).
Catalogues of Exhibitions:
Topelberg, N. (2019). Synergy circles, a conversation with Amira Ziyan. Art and Research: Bulletin of Gershon and Judith Leiber center for Jewish Art Exhibitions, (6), 19-23. (Hebrew).
Topelberg, N. (2018). What? Does the bird care?! Between equanimity and longing in the work and teaching of Mariana Corol. Art and Research: Bulletin of Gershon and Judith Leiber Center for Jewish Art Exhibitions, (4), 3-11. (Hebrew).
Textbooks and Teaching Instructions: Topelberg, N. (2018). High school textbooks: Part 1: Fundamentals of visual language, Part 2 – Encounters of the visual type in the technological age. ICT and Information Systems Administration, Israel Ministry of Education. (Hebrew). Topelberg, N. (2018). High school curriculum: Part 2 – Visual close encounters in the technological age. ICT and Information Systems Administration, Israel Ministry of Education. (Hebrew). Topelberg, N. (2018). High school curriculum: Part 1 – Fundamentals of visual language. ICT and Information Systems Administration, Israel Ministry of Education. (Hebrew). Topelberg, N. (2010). Art movements of the 19th century. Textbook for second study unit. ICT and Information Systems Administration, Israel Ministry of Education. (Hebrew). Catalogues of Exhibitions: Topelberg, N. (2019). Synergy circles, a conversation with Amira Ziyan. Art and Research: Bulletin of Gershon and Judith Leiber Center for Jewish Art Exhibitions, (6), 19-23. (Hebrew). Topelberg, N. (2018). What? Does the bird care?! Between equanimity and longing in the work and teaching of Mariana Corol. Art and Research: Bulletin of Gershon and Judith Leiber Center for Jewish Art Exhibitions, (4), 3-11. (Hebrew). Topelberg, N. (2016). Ruthi Donner, Combinations, Ness Ziona Municipal Gallery, Yad LaBanim. (Hebrew). Topelberg, N. (2016). Ilana Alof, a discourse of touches, Ness Ziona Municipal Gallery, Yad LaBanim. (Hebrew). Topelberg, N. (2015). Linoy Lev Ari, Optimism, Ness Ziona Municipal Gallery, Yad LaBanim. (Hebrew). Topelberg, N. (2015). Malka Shochar, Nature, Ness Ziona Municipal Gallery, Yad LaBanim. (Hebrew). Topelberg, N. (2014). The Israeli Nature Photography Association, traveling exhibition”, Ness Ziona Municipal Gallery, Yad LaBanim. Topelberg, N. (2013). Mina Ziselman - Hide Face-Self Portrait”, Ness Ziona Municipal Gallery, Yad LaBanim. (Hebrew). Topelberg, N. (2012). Thoughts and Emotions-Wood Sculpture, Ness Ziona Municipal Gallery, Yad LaBanim. (Hebrew). Topelberg, N. (2003). The Naomi Eshel Exhibition of the Century, centennial of the Teachers' Union Federation, Israeli Knesset. |
Last Updated Date : 12/12/2024