Zakia Masarova, who has a master's degree in art therapy, joined the faculty of the department about three years ago, teaching in the 1st year training course, cultural sensitivity course. During her master's degree, she wrote her thesis on the experience of treating art in Arab society in the face of reporting obligations.
She served for many years as the representative of the art therapists in the Arab society YAHAT. the professional association for the treatment of expression and creation. worked for many years as the coordinator of the emotional field at the Ministry of Education, and the coordinator for children with mental disorders at the Ministry of Education.
For 15 years she worked as a therapist and instructor in the field of art therapy for students at Schneider Hospital in the oncology department.
The professional "I believe", the real art is how to help people succeed in expressing the deep things simply.
Art was a safe and comfortable place to touch and relax the soul in her work with patients.
Conducted a study on the experience of art therapists in Arab society in the face of reporting obligations.
practicum - freshman year
Multicultural issues
Applying intersectionality theory to understand famale Arab art-therapists' experiences with child maltreatment mandatory reporting, Ravit Alfandari & Zakiah Massarwa, Guy Enosh, 2021
"We Have Created You Peoples and Tribes That You May Know One Another" "
(Surat Al Hujurat, Qran) Multicultural Aspects of Arts Therapies in the Eductional System.
By Yael bruno, Zakiah Massarwa, 2021
Masarova, Z and Bruno, Y (2018). An embassy in a changing world: the treatment of art through the arts in the education system. D. Regev and S. Shanir (editors), when therapy through the arts meets the education system in Israel (77-49).
Masarova, Z. (2016) Secrets from the art therapy room: the experience of art therapists from the Arab society, who are faced with reporting child abuse, dissertation for a 'qualified' degree. Haifa: School of Art Therapy, Faculty of Welfare and Health Studies, University of Haifa.
Participation in local and international conferences
Masaru,z. (2025) Jordan Conference until 2030 Early childhood art therapy.
Masarova, Z. (2022) Being multiculturally present at the Y.H.T. conference.
Masaru, Z. (2022) Reporting obligation in windows.
Masarova, Z. (2022-2023). To be present in multiculturalism. Kibbutz Seminary College Study Day.
Masaru, Z. (2020). Intersectionality and the welfare state: ethnic, class, and gender identity. At the 11th Espant conference, Ashkelon College, Israel.
Masaru, Z. (2019) A meeting between the maqam and the scale, the chilo movement and the oud colors - in the treatment of art in the Arab society. Conference, Kibbutzim Seminary College, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Masaru, Z. (2019). In another language, to be present in multiculturalism. At a seminar at the Ministry of Education, in Abarbanal Hospital, Bat Yam
MASSARWA, Z. (2018) .The experience of art therapists from arab society, when facing mandatory reporting on child abuse.Conference. The Israeli Center for Qualitative Research of People and Societies. Ben –Gurion University of the Negev.
MASSARWA, Z. (2017) .The experience of art therapists from arab society, when facing mandatory reporting on child abuse.Conference. Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
MASSARWA, Z (2016-2020)- chairperson of seminars and conferences for art therapists in the Arab society in cooperation with YAHAT, the Ministry of Education and Beit Berel College.
Last Updated Date : 18/12/2024