גב' ורדית יעקבי
קורות חיים
2001- M.A. in Applied Linguistics, Queens College, City University of New York
1990 - B.A. in Psychology and Speech Language Pathology, Queens College, City University of New York
מקום עבודה נוכחי באקדמיה: אוניברסיטת בר אילן
מקומות עבודה נוספים בהווה ובעבר:
Academic Center for Law and Science, EFL Unit
Summers 2016 and 2017
Ono Academic College, EFL Unit
Spring 2015
Jerusalem College of Engineering, EFL Unit
Spring and Fall 2004
Hebrew University, EFL & Pre-Academic Depts
Various semesters, Summer 2003 through Summer 2014
ניסיון מקצועי אחר:
Michlala Haredit, Jerusalem , 2013-2018
- Coordinating Bar Ilan’s English courses for both men and women at BA and MA levels.
- Supervised and enabled changeover to Moodle use.
CNR Health Care Network, Brooklyn, NY , 1994-2002
Acting Director of Centralized Referrals, Intake and Admissions
Supervised staff of fifteen in areas of social work, nursing and marketing.
Ariel University, Department of Academic Development and Assessment, 2009
- Designed and taught workshops focusing on conference presentation skills and communicable English pronunciation to academic staff.
- Received excellent feedback from workshop participants and administration
2006- Lecturer in the EFL Unit, Organizational Consulting Program, and Art Therapy Program, Bar-Ilan University
2016-2018- Lecturer in the EFL Unit, Shaarei Mishpat U’Mada
2015- Lecturer in the EFL Unit, Ono Academic College
2009- Department of Academic Development and Assessment, Ariel University,
- Designed and taught workshops focusing on conference presentation skills and communicable English pronunciation to academic staff
- Received excellent feedback from workshop participants and administration
2004- Lecturer in the EFL Unit, Jerusalem College of Engineering
2003-2014- Lecturer in the EFL & Pre-Academic Departments,
Hebrew University,
In the field of EFL:
- Trom Besisi
- Trom Besisi A + B – academization track
- Besisi
- Mitkadmim A
- Mitkadmim B
- M – M.A.
- M4 – M.A.
- M2 – M.A
- ESP – organizational consulting and art therapy
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 08/12/2024