פרופ' מאיה בלקירסקי קאץ
קורות חיים
Ramat-Gan 5290002, Israel ● Mobile 058.6915990 ● email Maya.Balakirsky@biu.ac.il
2015-2020 PsyaD., Certified Psychoanalyst, March 2020
1997-2003 Ph.D., History of Art, December 2003
Fellow 1997-2002
Dissertation: “Émile Zola: A Case Study in Celebrity Culture and Media Spin in the Late Nineteenth Century” (Directed by Steven Z. Levine).
M.A., History of Art, October 2001
Thesis: “Portraiture, Caricature, and Pornography in the Imagery of the Dreyfus Affair” (Directed by Steven Z. Levine).
1993-1995 B.A., Language and Literature
Presidential Merit Scholarship
Valedictory Address: “Graduating the Anxiety of Influence” (Avery Fisher Hall, New York, May 29, 1995).
2016-2020 Candidate-Therapist
2018-present, New Jersey and Raanana, Israel
2018-Present Associate Professor with Tenure, Department of Jewish Art
Selected Courses: Art and Psychoanalysis ● The Jewish Experience in American Art and Visual Culture ● Art, Culture, and Hasidism ● The Museum: For Art or Judaism? ● Jews and Film in the Soviet Union ● The Dreyfus Affair—Visual and Communication Issues ● Soviet Jewish Art and the East ● The Art of Homer Epic ● Art of the Enlightenment, 1751-1865 ● Michelangelo and his Times ● From Ashes to Ashes: The Jewish Art of Death ● Reel Jews: Film and Modern Jewish History ● Soviet Art and the Jewish Experience
1998-2019 Professor (Full Professor, 2014-2019; Associate Professor 2010-2014; Assistant Professor 2004-2010; Lecturer 1998-2004)
Chair of Art History Department (2009-2019)
Selected courses: History of the Jewish People II ● Birth of Modernism ● Modern Jewish Literature ● Politics of Display: Art and Architecture in New York City ● Jewish Art ● Art and the Holocaust ● Museums ● Greek and Roman Literature ● Medieval Literature ● Modern Literature ● Expository Writing ● The Graphic Novel: Comics and Literature ● Graduate courses: Topics in Jewish Art ● The Art of the Other in Medieval Spain ● Jews and Modern Media
Winter 2023 YIVO-Bard Winter Program on Ashkenazi Civilization
Spring 2021 Lander College for Women, The Graphic Novel: Comics and Literature
Spring 2017 Vassar College, Distinguished Scholar, Jews & Modern Media
Spring 2012 Jewish Theological Seminary, Jews & Modern Media
Spring 2000 Yeshiva University, History of Art
פרופסור מאיה בלקירסקי כץ הצטרפה למחלקה לאומנות יהודית באוניברסיטת בר אילן בשנה"ל תשע"ט (2018) מ-Touro College in Manhattan, שם לימדה מאז 1998 ועמדה בראש המחלקה לתולדות האומנות. פרופסור כץ היא בעלת תואר דוקטור מ-Bryn Mawr College ותואר דוקטור בפסיכואנליזה מ- NJ Institute for Training in Psychoanalysis. מחקריה מתמקדים בנקודות ההשקה בין דת ותרבות חזותית ובקשר בין גיבוש הדיסיפלינה והיצירה האקדמית בנושא ההיסטוריה היהודית המודרנית באימפריה האוסטרו-הונגרית, ברוסיה, בברית המועצות ובצפון אמריקה. היא עורכת שותפה של Images : A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture. ספרה The Visual Culture of Chabad (Cambridge, 2010) חקר את היצירה וההפצה 'מלמטה למעלה' של דמותו ומורשתו של הרבי. ספרה Drawing the Iron Curtain (Rutgers, 2016) על כוח העבודה היהודי בתעשיית האנימציה הסובייטית התמקד בשיתופי פעולה קהילתיים בין סופרים, אומנים, פטרונים ועורכים ובמבנים אופקיים בהפקה תרבותית בחסות המדינה. מאז שהגיעה לאוניברסיטת בר אילן פרסמה כץ את הספר Intersections between Jews and Media (Brill, 2020).
בימים אלה היא משלימה את ספרה:Freud, religion, and the birth of the psychoanalytic periodical (Cambridge,2022).
החוויה היהודית באמנות ובתרבות האמריקאית
משפט דרייפוס - היבטים חזותיים ותקשורתיים
אמנות ופסיכואנליזה
האמנות והנאורות 1751 - 1865
יהודים וסרטים מצוירים בברית המועצות
הומרוס- אמנות, ארכיטקטורה והיסטוריה: מההלניזם ועד למודרניזם
Art, Culture, and Hasidism
The Museum: For Art or Judaism?
Soviet Jewish Art and the East
Michelangelo and his Times
Freud, Religion, and the Birth of the Psychoanalytic Periodical (Cambridge University Press, 2022)
Intersections between Jews & Media (Brill Research Perspectives, 2020)
Drawing the Iron Curtain: Jews and the Golden Age of Soviet Animation (Rutgers University Press, 2016)
The Visual Culture of Chabad (Cambridge University Press, 2010)
Revising Dreyfus (Brill Press, 2013)
“Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Antonio Gramsci, and the Myth of Niccolò Machiavelli,” Eastern European Jewish Affairs 51.1 (2021): 18-35.
“Great is the Parable of Diana of the Ephesians,” American Imago 78.2 (2021): 389-418.
“Bambi Abroad, 1924-1954,” AJS Review 44.2 (2020): 286-316.
“Child’s Play in Jewish Studies,” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture 12 (2019): 3-6.
“Introduction to Margaret Olin,” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture 11 (2018): 3-4.
“Animating Pushkin for the ‘Jewish War,’” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture 11 (2018): 152-176.
“Constructing and Deconstructing Jewish Art: The Roundtable Discussion,” Ars Judaica 13 (Spring 2017).
“Evacuation Animation: Jewish Geographies and Sindbad the Sailor in Crimea,” Ars Judaica 13 (Spring 2017): 111-128.
“The Brumberg Sisters: The Fairy Grandmothers of Soviet Animation,” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture 9 (2016): 1-15.
“Portraits from Vienna: The Rabbinical Subject and the Female Artist,” Modern Jewish Studies 15.1 (2016): 47-64.
“Tropical Russian Bears: Jews and Soviet Animation during the Cold War,” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture 8 (2015): 1-25.
“Dressing Up: Religion and Ethnicity in Israeli National Dolls,” Religion & Gender 5.1 (2015): 71-90.
Republished as “Vestirsi: Religione ed Etnia nelle Bambole nazionali di Israele,” in Stefania Palmisano and Alberta Giori, eds. Women and Religion (Italy: Mimesis, 2016), 89-101.
“The De-Politicization of Israeli Political Cartoons,” Israel Studies 18.1 (2013): 1-30.
“A Rabbi, A Priest, and a Psychoanalyst: Religion in the Early Psychoanalytic Case History,” Contemporary Jewry 31.1 (2011): 3-24.
“Staging Protest: The New York Jewish Museum and the Soviet Jewry Movement,” American Jewish History (2010): 61-78.
“An Occupational Neurosis: A Psychoanalytic Case History of a Rabbi,” AJS Review 34.1 (April 2010): 1-31.
“Collecting the Exile: The Jewish National Movement in the USSR, 1967-1989,” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture 3.1 (2009): 119-128.
“Trademarks of Faith: Chabad and Chanukah,” Modern Judaism (May 2009): 239-267.
“On the Master-Disciple Relationship in Hasidic Visual Culture: The Life and Afterlife of Rebbe Portraits in Habad, 1798-2006,” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture (Winter 2007): 55-79.
“Émile Zola in Caricature: The Cochonnerie of Naturalist Literature and the Judensau,” Jewish Social Studies 13.1 (2007): 110-135.
“Photography vs. Caricature: “Footnotes on Manet’s Zola and Zola’s Manet,” Nineteenth-Century French Studies 34.3 (Spring 2006): 323-337.
“The Image of Maimonides in Modern Art and Visual Culture,” Yeshiva University Museum exhibition catalogue, forthcoming 2023.
“The Material Culture of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam,” A Cultural History of Religion in the West, ed. Leonard Primiano (Bloomsbury), forthcoming 2022.
“The Belz Great Synagogue (Bels HaMidrash HaGadol),” World Architecture and Society, ed. Peter Louis Bonfitto, 2 vols. (ABC-CLIO, 2022), II: 372-377.
“Iconography,” Studying Hasidism: Sources, Methods, Perspectives, ed. Marcin Wodziński (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2019), 178-196.
“Cartooning Citizen Collaboration: A 1949 Jewish War Film in Moscow,” Art in Jewish Society (Warsaw: Museum of the History of Polish Jewry, 2016), 255-291.
“Introduction: The Revision of Dreyfus in Historical Perspective,” Revising Dreyfus, ed. Maya Balakirsky Katz (Boston: Brill Press, 2013), 1-14.
“Henri-Gabriel Ibels, “Nineteenth-Century Blogger,” Revising Dreyfus, ed. Maya Balakirsky Katz (Boston: Brill Press, 2013), 79-198.
“Exhibiting Dreyfus in America: The Jewish Museum of New York and the Soviet Jewry Movement,” Revising Dreyfus, ed. Maya Balakirsky Katz (Boston: Brill Press, 2013), 359-384.
“Rebbishe Space: Pre-War Polish Photography of Hasidic Leaders,” Jewish Artists in Central-Eastern Europe from the 19th century to the Second World War (Warsaw: DiG Press, 2010), 363-370.
“Avi-Yonah's Model of Second Temple Jerusalem and the Development of Israeli Visual Culture,” ed. Steven Fine, Visions of the Temple from Moses to the Messiah (New York: Brill Press and Yeshiva University Center for Israel Studies, 2011), 349-364.
“Jewish Women in World Animation,” Jewish Women’s Archive (JWA), https://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/jewish-women-in-animation
“The Brumberg Sisters,” in Jane Gaines, Radha Vatsal, and Monica Dall’Asta, eds., Women Film Pioneers Project. Center for Digital Research and Scholarship. New York: Columbia University Libraries, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7916/d8-92y0-qy20, available at https://wfpp.columbia.edu/pioneer/the-brumberg-sisters/
“Marc Chagall,” Oxford Bibliographies in Jewish Studies. Ed. David Biale (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014): Oxford Bibliographies Online, DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199840731-0068.
“Jewish Art, Modern and Contemporary,” Oxford Bibliographies in Art History. Ed. Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014): Oxford Bibliographies Online, DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199920105-0064.
“The Reception of the Bible in Orthodoxy,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, eds. Constance M. Furey, Brian Matz, et al, forthcoming.
“Bible Museums,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, eds. Constance M. Furey, Brian Matz, et al, forthcoming.
“Carol Gilligan,” (with Andra Medea) Jewish Women’s Archive (JWA), forthcoming.
“Biblical art, the Modern Epoch,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, eds. Constance M. Furey, Brian Matz, et al, forthcoming.
“Newspapers, Magazines, and Other Popular Periodicals,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, eds. Constance M. Furey, Brian Matz, et al, forthcoming.
“Hasidic Discipleship,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, eds. Hans-Josef Klauck, Bernard McGinn, et al, vol. 1 (Berlin and New York: Walter De Gruyter, 2002-2008): 896-898.
“Aniconism: Second Temple and Hellenistic Judaism,” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, eds. Hans-Josef Klauck, Bernard McGinn, et al, vol. 1 (Berlin and New York: Walter De Gruyter, 2002-2008): 1215-1217.
“Batsheva Goldman-Ida, Hasidic art and the Kabbalah,” East European Jewish Affairs 50.1-2 (2020).
“Samantha Baskind. The Warsaw Ghetto in American Art and Culture,” H-Judaic (September 2020).
“Marcin Wodziński, Historical Atlas of Hasidism, Cartography by Waldemar Spallek,” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture 13 (2020).
“Victoria Aarons. Holocaust Graphic Narratives: Generation, Trauma, and Memory,” H-Judaic (April 2020).
“Sara Blair, How the Other Half Looks: The Lower East Side and the Afterlives of Images,” American Jewish History 103, no. 3 (December 2019): 373-375.
“Kathrin Hoffmann-Curtius with Sigrid Philipps, Judenmord: Art and the Holocaust in Post-war Germany,” H-Judaic (May 14, 2019).
“Mary Bergstein, In Looking Back One Learns to See: Marcel Proust and Photography,” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture 10 (2017).
“Exhibiting Zionism in Israel. One Front, One Nation: Posters from the Zionism 2000 Collection, 1920-1960,” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture 8 (2015): 112-118.
“Repaving the Street of Crocodiles,” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture 7 (2015): 136-140.
“Mary Bergstein, Mirrors of Memory: Freud, Photography, and the History of Art,” Visual Resources: An International Journal of Documentation 29, no. 3 (September 2013): 258-262.
“Reviewing the Eruv,” AJS Perspectives: The Magazine of the Association for Jewish Studies (Fall 2013): 66-68.
“Gershon David Hundert, ed. The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe (2008),” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture, vol. 6, no. 1 (2013): 152-156.
“Katrin Kogman-Appel, A Mahzor from Worms,” AJS Review 36.2 (November 2012): 343-345.
“Longing, Belonging, and the Making of Jewish Consumer Culture, eds. Gideon Reuveni and Nils Roemer (2010),” Material Religion, vol. 9, no. 2 (2013): 257-259.
“Doll-Making and Making Money,” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture, vol. 5, no. 1 (2011): 118-122.
“Challenges of Equality: Judaism, State, and Education in Nineteenth-Century France by Jeffrey Haus (2009),” The Journal of Religion 91.3 (April 2011): 416-418.
“Teaching through Film,” AJS Perspectives: The Magazine of the Association for Jewish Studies, Fall 2021.
“How a Single Painting Helped the New York Jewish Museum Define Jewish Art,” Tablet Magazine, posted December 3, 2020.
“PopThodox: Insider Humor on the Outside,” Popthodox, The Jerusalem Biennale 2017 (curated by Noa Lea Cohn), 16-18.
“A Beast of Unknown Origins,” Tablet Magazine, posted May 1, 2018, available at http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-arts-and-culture/260892/cheburashka-soviet-animation
“Обыкновенное американское чудо или Чебурашка – это я!” MKRU, posted on April 26, 2018, available at http://www.vnovomsvete.com/culture/2018/04/26/obyknovennoe-amerikanskoe-chudo.html
“Marc Chagall, Religious Artist,” OUPblog, posted August 2017.
“Animating Analysis in Cold War Soviet Union,” Viewpoints in Psychoanalysis (Spring 2017), 10.
“Listening to the Jews of Silence in Soviet Popular Culture,” The Lehrhaus, posted March 8, 2017, available at http://www.thelehrhaus.com/scholarship/2017/3/5/listening-to-the-jews-of-silence-in-soviet-popular-culture
“The Many Movements of Chabad,” Sh’ma: A Journal of Jewish Ideas (December 2012), 13-14.
Sanctuaries in Time, Jewish Women Artists’ Network, January 18-March 1, 2011 [catalog brochure].
Samuel Bak, Adam and Eve Series, Pucker Gallery, Boston, 2011 [catalog].
Transcendent Visions: The Art of Yael Avi-Yonah and Dov Lederberg, Touro College, October 30-November 14, 2007 [catalog].
Visiting Masterpiece Series, Klimt’s Judith II, Israel Museum [served as modern art intern], October 15, 1997-February 14, 1998 [helped in preparation of exhibition pamphlet].
Auguste Rodin: Body and Soul, Israel Museum [served as modern art intern], December 23, 1997-June 15, 1998 [helped in preparation of exhibition pamphlet].
“Rabbi Paysach: A One-Man Kiruv Operation,” Yated Ne’eman 7.38/39, October 3, 1995, front page, cont. 41 [published under pseudonym Eli J. Balakirsky as per editorial policy prohibiting female names to appear on front-page articles].
“Deafness and Deaf Culture in Baltimore,” Where What When, February 1996, 24-28.
“Something New Under the Sun: Interview with Baltimore Sun Journalist Raphael Alvarez,” Where What When, December 1995, 26-28.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 15/01/2025